Matching donations to Against Malaria Foundation, 2016 edition

Short version:

If you donate to Against Malaria Foundation before the end of 2016, I'll match your donation, and then Google will match my match, so your impact will be trebled. Just email me your receipt.
Offer valid up until I exhaust my remaining 3,000 USD in Google matching funds.

The easiest way to donate is through PayPal. PayPal will waive all the fees and even match 1% of your donation.

Long version:

Imagine there’s a child stuck in a burning building. You see the flames, you hear the screams. Imagine what it would feel like to run into the building, grab the child and deliver the child to his mother’s arms. I know I would feel great about being able to help someone like that.

Fortunately there aren’t burning buildings all around me, but there are opportunities to save dying children that are a lot less dangerous.

Malaria killed an estimated 627,000 people in 2012. GiveWell rates the Against Malaria Foundation as the most cost-effective charity for saving and improving human lives. They estimate that for every $3,500 given to AMF, one person will be saved from death. This week, I will match your contributions to AMF and so will Google. Let’s all save some lives together!

Check out William MacAskill on EconTalk for a great discussion of these issues.